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Results for LX90RTL

1 results.

LX90RTLLX90RTL - LoTW and eQSL -
QSL cards for confirmation of contacts will be printed early January 2024. The QSL service will be made by the German DARC. For those Radio Amateurs and Short-Wave Listener who are not member of any Radio Amateur Association with QSL service we offer beside a confirmation via LOTW (Logbook of the World), HRDLOG, CLUBLOG, EQSL and QSL Service you can print your card from the web. Download your card and input your call.
UPDATED BY DL1SBF 2023-08-15 17:42
Wrong? Add a comment!QRZ.com - HamQTH - QRZ.ru
RBN - DXHeat

* The LoTW status shows when / if contacts for this callsign were uploaded to LoTW. The data is queried nightly from LoTW but there may be slight delays.

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